Raising Up Families and Followers of Jesus Christ
First off, we’re glad you’re here! We want every person to feel welcomed, accepted and valued. As part of our hospitality, you’re invited to worship with us and stay after service for coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. We have two worship service times, 8:15 am and 10:30 am.
The typical service is about an hour or slightly longer. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. The worship service may be a new experience to you, but there’s always a bulletin to guide you in conjunction with a projection system. Hearing assist devices and large print bulletins are also available.
Worship is about how our God serves us and coming together gives us an opportunity to respond with words of confession, prayer and praise. Some people come to the service in casual clothes, others are more formal. Please don’t be concerned about what to wear. An offering is received to support the work of ministry at Faith. Your participation in the offering is welcome, but certainly not expected.
If any follow-up is desired, a good way to connect with the church office is to leave your contact information on a WELCOME card in the pew which may be placed in the offering plate or given to an usher.
Most of the above details are helpful in getting acquainted with Sunday details. But just keep in mind that following Jesus and helping others do the same is a lifelong, 24/7 endeavor. A good church makes disciples. We invite you to join us in following Jesus.