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Calling All Men of Faith!


Our Men of Faith are being called into action!  What are the Men of Faith?  We are a men’s group that meets at 8:30am on the 2nd Saturday morning of each month, for breakfast, Bible study and prayer, and some fellowship doing projects around the campus.  It is a great tradition that brings Men, high school age to retirement age together, and has the added benefit of getting some important tasks accomplished.


We’ll have a light breakfast, followed by a short Bible study and prayer.  Then we’ll spend the rest of the time fixing things or doing maintenance around the campus.  You’ll get together with friends, or maybe make some new friends!  All while making the Faith campus a little better. A list of projects we’ll be working on will be sent out, and we’ll get as much done as we can in the time we have. 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or 360-951-0521. 

Matt Koehler - Board of Trustees Chair

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