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Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. To learn more about what we believe, please visit



Just as the early disciples came together for fellowship, teaching, prayer and acts of service, the church today gathers as the people of God on a mission.  Together, we seek to fulfill Jesus’ mandate as we go, to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  (Matthew 28:19-20)


Congregational life plays an important role in our spiritual formation.  The Holy Spirit is continually at work through the church for He “calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.  In this Christian church He daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers” (Luther’s Explanation to the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed).  The church is not a place, a building or a human tradition.  The church is the people of God marked by Word and Sacrament and in mission with Him.  The mission statement of Faith Lutheran Church is “Raising Up Families and Followers of Jesus Christ”.  Yet the church does not really have a mission.  The mission has a church. 


The church belongs to Jesus and is connected to Him in a life-giving way.  Congregational life does not allow participation in sects or cults.  Belonging to a particular congregation (membership) is entirely voluntary and is meant to encourage us to follow Jesus (discipleship) which is commanded.  Since we need each other to accomplish the mission, it is important to know what each believer may expect from another.  It is a matter of life together.  This congregational covenant outlines such mutual understanding for the purpose of establishing a healthy Christian community.  

Acknowledging the need for God’s grace and strength, Faith Lutheran Church covenants…


  • To be a community of faith that loves, values and encourages one another to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.  


  • To teach and regard the Holy Bible as the true and inspired Word of God, as expressed by the Lutheran Confessions.  


  • To provide ample opportunities for Christian education for children, youth and adults.


  • To support the process of discipling through training leaders and encouraging life groups.

  • To recognize the church is at its best when it helps people become more like Jesus.

  • To offer prayer support and spiritual encouragement for all who desire it.


  • To conduct all meetings in a fair, respectful and open way while maintaining confidentiality when appropriate.  


  • To be good stewards of the gifts of God’s people.  


  • To provide written church budgets and financial information upon request.


  • To keep personal information private.  


  • To follow the biblical model of conflict resolution in Matthew 18:15-20.


  • To not burden, manipulate or guilt people into serving, but joyfully present opportunities for service.


Acknowledging the need for God’s grace and strength, I covenant…


  • To be a disciple of Jesus at Faith Lutheran Church.  I am resolved to suffer the loss of all things rather than deny Him.


  • To share my faith in word and deed and join efforts to be discipled and disciple others.


  • To be faithful in regular attendance at worship, the reception of Holy Communion and to cultivate my devotional and prayer life.                                   


  • To seek to know God's Word (head), be changed by it (heart) and live it out (hands).  

  • To strive to avoid ungodly living, foul language, and whatever else that would dishonor Jesus.   


  • To support the work of the congregation as a steward of God’s gifts (time, talent and treasure).


  • To desire that my fellow Christians come and lovingly encourage me back to the right path should my own weakness ever lead me astray.


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