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Faith Lutheran Church, School
Childcare & Community Center

​7075 Pacific Avenue SE

Lacey, WA 98503


Church Office/Event Inquiry

Becky Albert

360-491-3552 Phone


Pastor Greg Strand


Campus Manager

Matt Koehler


School Office

360-491-1733 Phone

Ann Ashe (Principal)


Childcare Office

Julie Miller



Financial Officer

Jenn Bache




Driving Directions

From Marvin Rd, go west about 1 mile on Steilacoom Rd SE (turn right on Pacific Ave SE at the light) or Pacific Ave SE (roundabout). Faith Lutheran is on the left just after the stop light.


From College St, go east on Lacey Blvd and continue through the roundbout as it turns into Pacific Ave SE. Continue for approximately 1 mile, Faith Lutheran is on the right.


Please turn on David Street and park in the main lot.

Want to tell the rest of the congregation, and others, about what’s happening in your committee or group?  Try one of these:

Sunday Bulletin: Submit your announcement in writing to the church office secretary (Becky) by noon Wednesday for the following Sunday. Becky’s email address is

Monthly Newsletter: Submit your article to the church office secretary (Becky) by the 20th of the month prior to publication. E.g. If you want it in the April newsletter, Becky needs to have it by March 20.

Church Council Agenda Item: Submit the agenda item by the Sunday before the church council meeting. Please include a brief description of the issue or item, how much time you want, and who will speak to council.

Website: Submit your item, photo, or article you want included on the website to

© 2016 Faith Lutheran Church, Lacey, WA

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